In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the various features supported by the C language.

Features of C Language:

C provides many features,  some of them are listed here:

  • Simple
  • Middle-level language
  • Portability
  • Library with Rich Functions
  • Modularity
  • Rich set of built-in Operators
  • Fast and Efficient
  • Easy to Extend
  • Procedural Language
  • Statically Type

These terms are explained below:

  1. Simple: A C program is easy to write and understand because it provides a structured approach, a rich set of built-in libraries, etc…
  2. Middle-level language: As it is a middle-level language, it has the capabilities and features of both Assembly language and High-level language.
  3. Portability: C language is portable as programs that are written in C language can run and compile on any other system with either none or small changes.
  4. Library with Rich Functions: C provides a wide range of standard library functions that are inbuilt functions in C programming. The built-in libraries and their functions help the programmer to develop the program with ease.
  5. Modularity: It is a software design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality.
  6. Rich set of built-in Operators: C programming language provides a rich set range of built-in operators which are helpful in writing both the Simplified and Complex programs.
  7. Fast and Efficient: Programs that are written in C are fast and efficient. A single C program takes less time to compile and execute as there is a lesser number of pre-defined functions. But in the case of the latest languages like Java, Python, etc..  they have some additional processing other than the extra features, which affects their performance. Another reason is that statically typed languages are faster than dynamically typed languages.
  8. Easy to Extend: C language is extensible because it can easily adopt new features, i.e. when a program is already written in it some more features and operations can be added to it.
  9. Procedural Language: C is a Procedural Oriented Language, whereas C++ is an Object-Oriented Programming Language. C supports only Pointers whereas C++ supports both pointers and references.
  10. Statically Type: statically-typed language can be referred to as the languages where the type of variables is known at the compile time. It has various intuitive features such as better code completion, perform type checking during the course of compilation, etc…


Happy Learning 🙂