The C Programming Language is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie in 1972 at AT&T (American Telephonic & Telegraphic) Bell Laboratories, New Jersey. It was mainly influenced by the languages ‘BPCL’ and ‘B’.
This series of C Language tutorials help you to understand and learn the C Language as quickly as possible. This tutorial series is designed for developers interested in learning new concepts in C Language and practising them on the fly.
C Language Tutorials:
All the examples given below are well tested in our development environment; however, it’s a human tested environment, if you find any issues while running the examples please don’t hesitate to comment on the corresponding article page.
C Language Basics:
- C – Introduction
- C – Language Features
- C – Structure of Program
- C – Language variables and Keywords
- C- Tokens and Comment Lines
- C – Number System
- C – Local and Global variables
- C – Scope and Lifetime of variables
- C – Introduction to Datatypes
- C – Integer Datatypes
- C – Floatingpoint Datatypes
- C – Derived and Defined Datatypes
- C – Type Conversions
- C – Arithmetic Operators
- C – Logical Operators
- C – Bitwise Operators
- C- Relational Operators
- C – Comma and sizeof operators
- C – Operator Precedence and Associativity
- C – Control flow statements (if, if-else, nested if-else etc.)
- C – Switch Case
- C – Iterative constructs (for, while , do-while)
- C – Unconditional constructs (break, continue, goto)
- C- Expressions and Statements
- C – Header files and Preprocessor Directives
- C – One Dimensional Array
- C – Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- C – Pointer Basics
- C – Pointers with Arrays
- C – Functions
- C – Categories of Functions
- C – User-defined functions
- C – Passing Arrays to Functions
- C – Formal and Actual Arguments
- C – Fundamentals Recursive Functions
- C – Structures (Part 1)
- C – Structures (Part 2)
- C – Unions
- C – File Handling
- C – File Operations
- C – Dynamic Memory Allocation
C language Interview:
- C Program Addition and Subtraction without using + – Operators
- C Program – Bubble Sort Program in C
- C Program – Reverse the Elements of an Array
- C Program – Multiplication of two Matrices Example
- C Program – Addition of two Matrices Example
- C Program – To add elements in an array
- C Program – Find the Largest and Smallest Number in the given Array
- C Program – Sum of digits of given number till a single digit
- C Program – Find GCD of two numbers
- C Program – Print prime numbers between two numbers
- C Program – Armstrong numbers between given numbers
- C Program – Reverse of a number
- C Program – Print the sum of digits of a given number
- C Program – Check a number is Palindrome or not
- C Program – Check whether a given number is Even or Odd
- C Program – Find the factorial of a given number
- C Program – Find a number is prime or not
- C Program – Ways to Generate Fibonacci Series
Happy Learning 🙂