In this tutorials, I am going to show how to push docker image to docker hub.
push docker image to docker hub:
We have discussed everything in our previous tutorials about how to build a spring boot application as a docker image and how to run it docker command.
Here we will see the recommended steps to push this docker image to docker hub.
Step 1: Create your docker hub account.
Step 2: Click on create the repository.
Step 3: Install docker on your machine.
Step 4: Open the terminal window and log in to docker account by using below command.
$docker login --username=your_docker_user_name
It will ask you to enter the docker password, upon successful login you should see the below logs.
$docker login --username=your_docker_user_name
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
Step 5: Get docker images list in your machine by using the below command.
$docker images
As we see in the above picture, I have multiple docker images running on my machine. Now I would like to push the spring-boot-docker image to docker hub.
Step 6: Create a tag for your local image for the remote repository.
Note: Tag name should be equal to image id.
$docker tag 14a9f0ebbf02 your_docker_user/your_docker_repo/spring-boot-docker:v1
Step 7: Push the image to docker hub.
root@work:Spring-boot-docker# docker push your_docker_user/spring-boot-docker
The push refers to repository []
33e31b121204: Pushed
d97f26ef1623: Pushed
e87475e5811f: Pushed
51e6d0a07219: Pushed
ba57bc494b22: Pushed
3443d6cf0f1f: Pushed
f3a38968d075: Pushed
a327787b3c73: Pushed
5bb0785f2eee: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:5272bc835665f73fc096f89a7dc3383155e24737811a07361463a9e140dbda02 size: 2213
Step 8: Go to docker hub account and refresh your repositories list, there you can see your image.
Happy Learning 🙂