Today I am going to show you how to setup Gradle in STS (Spring Tool Sute).
STS Gradle :
We can install the Gradle in STS using the STS Dashboard. To install the Gradle in STS we need to have the below requirements.
Requirements :
- The STS version should be 2.7.M1 or later based on Eclipse 3.6.2 or Eclipse 3.7.
- Eclipse should be 3.6.2 or later. (The required components of STS will be pulled while installing the Gradle).
If you met the above requirements, now you are free to set up the Gradle in STS.
Please follow the below steps to install.
Steps to install Gradle in STS :
Step – 1 :
Open your STS Dashboard from STS Help menu. By selecting the Dashboard you can see the below screen.
Step – 2:
Now you can select the IDE Extensions, the Extensions page will open like below.
Step – 3:
Give the Gradle keyword on search bar. It will give the Gradle Support Dependency Management. select the Gradle Support and click next.
It will ask to check the installed options. Check the Gradle IDE and click next.
Step – 4:
Accept the licence and click Finish. It will take some time be patient.
Step – 5 :
After successfully installing, it will ask to restart the STS. You should accept the restart, then only the changes will apply.
Step – 6 :
Now you can check, you can confirm this by importing the project. You can see the Gradle (STS) like below.
This is how we can install Gradle in STS.
Happy Learning 🙂