In this tutorial, we are going to filter a Map in Java 8. We have been filtering the map in Java since over the years. But in previous versions of Java, if we want to filter a Map, we should loop the map and put a condition inside the loop based on the requirement.
Legacy Style to Filter a Map :
Map<Integer,String> mobiles = new HashMap<>();
mobiles.put(1, "iPhone 7");
mobiles.put(2, "iPhone 6S");
mobiles.put(3, "Samsung");
mobiles.put(4, "1+");
for (Map.Entry<Integer,String> mobis : mobiles.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("Filtered Value : "+mobis.getValue());
On the above, we have filtered a samsung mobile among 4.
Now we will see how do we do filter a Map in Java 8 using Stream API.
Filter a Map in Java 8 :
We can filter a Map in Java 8 by converting the map.entrySet() into Stream and followed by filter() method and then finally collect it using collect() method.
String result = mobiles.entrySet().stream() // converting into Stream
.filter(map -> "Samsung".equals(map.getValue())) // Applying filter
.map(map -> map.getValue()) // apply mapping
.collect(Collectors.joining()); // collecting the data
Complete Example:
package com.onlinetutorialspoint.java8;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Java8_FilterMap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer,String> mobiles = new HashMap<>();
mobiles.put(1, "iPhone 7");
mobiles.put(2, "iPhone 6S");
mobiles.put(3, "Samsung");
mobiles.put(4, "1+");
for (Map.Entry<Integer,String> mobis : mobiles.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("Filtered Value : "+mobis.getValue());
// Java8 Filtering
String result = mobiles.entrySet().stream()
.filter(map -> "Samsung".equals(map.getValue()))
.map(map -> map.getValue())
System.out.println("Filtering With Value " + result);
Map<Integer, String> deptMap2 = mobiles.entrySet().stream()
.filter(map -> map.getKey() == 2)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getKey(), p -> p.getValue()));
System.out.println("Filtering With Key : " + deptMap2);
Filtered With Value Samsung
Filtered With Key : {2=iPhone 6S}
Happy Learning 🙂