Python close method – closing a file
Python close method: The close is a method of IOBase class in Python that flush and close the current stream.
Python close method: The close is a method of IOBase class in Python that flush and close the current stream.
Python fileno method: The fileno is a method of IOBase class in Python that returns the underlying file descriptor of
The difference between '==' and 'is' in Python The Equality operator (==) compares the values of operands on either side
Python collections.UserString The class UserString in Python acts as a wrapper around a string object. This class is useful when
Python collections.UserDict The class UserDict in Python acts as a wrapper around dictionary objects. As we know, the dictionary is
Python collections.UserList The class UserList in Python acts as a wrapper around a list-objects. This class is useful when one
Python break statement: The break statement in Python is used to bring the control out of the loop when some
Python continue statement: The continue statement in Python is a loop control statement that forces to execute the next iteration
Python pass statement: The pass statement in Python acts like a placeholder which means you can use the pass statement
Python while loop: The while loop is used to repeatedly execute the block of statement as long as an expression
Python for loop: The for loop in Python is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence such as
The zip() is a built-in function in Python that iterates over several iterable in parallel, producing tuples with an item
Python Built-in Function globals(): The globals() is an inbuilt function in Python that returns the dictionary of the current module
Python Built-in Function ascii(): The ascii() method is a built-in function in Python that returns a string containing a printable
Python Built-in Function eval(): The eval() is a built-in function that is used to evaluate an expression given as a
Python Built-in Function getattr(): The getattr() is an inbuilt function in Python that is used to get the value of
Python Built-in Function all(): The all() method returns true if all the elements in iterable(List, Dictionary, Tuple, Set) are true
Python Built-in Function format(): The format() is a built-in function used to convert a given value/object into the specified format.
Python Built-in Function frozenset(): The frozenset() is an inbuilt function in Python that takes an iterable object as input and
Python Built-in Function locals(): The locals() is an inbuilt function in Python that returns the dictionary of the current local