Python Built-in Function frozenset():

The frozenset() is an inbuilt function in Python that takes an iterable object as input and makes them immutable. In other words, it freezes the iterable objects, so we cannot make any changes to them. So, trying to change such an object results in a TypeError exception. Moreover, it may or may not preserve the order of elements.


The signature for the frozenset() function is as shown below.


Parameters and return type

  • Here, an iterable can be a list, a dictionary, a tuple, or a set.
  • However, it returns an equivalent frozenset object.

Python Built-in Function frozenset Examples:

Example 1: In this case, let us take a list and tuple with numbers in it. We will make this list and a tuple immutable using the frozenset function. As we can see, if we try to update the list, it will raise an TypeError exception.

#using frozenset function and printing
o = frozenset(t)
print("Converted tuple is ",o)
o = frozenset(l)
print("Converted list is ",o)


Converted tuple is  frozenset({1, 2, 3, 4})
Converted list is  frozenset({11, 12, 13, 14})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in 
TypeError: 'frozenset' object does not support item assignment

Example 2: In this case, let us demonstrate the working of the frozenset function with a dictionary. When we pass a dictionary as a parameter to the frozenset function,  we see that all the keys are frozen.

# Initializing
Student = {"name": "Ram", "age": 19, "location":"Mumbai"}
# making dictionary as frozenset
o= frozenset(Student)
# printing 
print('The frozen set is:', o)


The frozen set is: frozenset({'name', 'location', 'age'})

Example 3: We will not pass any parameter to the frozenset function in this example. So, it returns an empty frozenset type object.

#Using frozenset and printing
o = frozenset()
print("Converted Set is ",o)


Converted Set is  frozenset()


The frozenset() function returns the immutable object of an iterable. However, if we try to modify their elements, it will raise a TypeError exception.


Happy Learning 🙂