The hash() is a built-in function in Python that returns the hash value of the given object.
Python Built-in Function hash:
The Hash values are integers that are used to uniquely identify the objects, for example, a Python dict is used to compare the keys during a dictionary lookup.
If the object is not hashable, then the hash() function raises a TypeError exception.
The signature for the hash() function is as shown below.
Parameters and return type
- This function takes an object which we need to convert into a hash.
- However, it returns the hash value if available.
Python Built-in Function hash Examples:
Example 1: For this example, we will take an integer number and print its hash value.
a = 10
#Using hash and Printing
result = hash(a)
print('Hash Value -', result)
Hash Value - 10
Example 2: In this case, we will demonstrate a hash function with a string parameter. Here, for every execution, it will print different hash values.
a = "python"
#Using hash and Printing
result = hash(a)
print('Hash Value -', result)
Hash Value - 6695277865987588527
Example 3: For this example, let us take a list and a tuple containing numbers. Since a tuple is a hashable object it will print its hash value. Whereas, the list is not hashable, so it will raise an exception.
a = [1,2,3]
#Using hash and Printing
result = hash(b)
print('Hash Value :', result)
result = hash(a)
print('Hash Value :', result)
Hash Value : 529344067295497451
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in
result = hash(a)
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
Hence, the hash() function returns a hash value for an object, if available. Otherwise, it will raise an exception.
Happy Learning 🙂