Python Built-in Function sorted:
The sorted() is an inbuilt function in Python used to sort the items in the given iterable. However, irrespective of the iterable type, this function returns the results as a list.
The signature for the sorted() function is as shown below. Here, l is a list returned by this function.
l=sorted(iterable,*,key=None, reverse=False)
Parameters and return type
- This method takes one or more iterable as a parameter. Thereafter, it also takes two optional parameters
. Key is a function that would serve as a key or a basis of sort comparison. Reverse specifies the order in which sorting happens. The default value of reverse is False. - However, it returns a sorted list of elements.
Python Built-in Function sorted Examples:
Example 1: For example, let us initialize a list and a tuple object with some numbers. Thereafter, we will use the sorted function to sort the elements. As a result, this function returns sorted elements but in a list.
l = [159, 254, 11, 8, 4559, 32]
#Using sorted and printing
print("Sorted list - ",sorted(l))
print("Sorted tuple - ",sorted(t))
Sorted list - [8, 11, 32, 159, 254, 4559]
Sorted tuple - [4, 22, 55, 331]
Example 2: We will take a set and a tuple and sort them in descending order. We have to provide the reverse parameter with the value true to accomplish this.
s = {159, 254, 11, 8, 4559, 32}
#Using sorted and printing
print("Sorted set - ",sorted(s,reverse=True))
print("Sorted tuple - ",sorted(t,reverse=True))
Sorted set - [4559, 254, 159, 32, 11, 8]
Sorted tuple - [331, 55, 22, 4]
Example 3: In this case, We will take a set containing string and use the string’s length as a parameter to sort the key. So, we have to specify the key parameter.
city={"chennai", "delhi","mumbai", "hyderabad"}
#Using sorted and printing
['delhi', 'mumbai', 'chennai', 'hyderabad']
The sorted() function returns the list with sorted elements from the iterable depending on the parameters.
Happy Learning 🙂