Data Type represents a type of data present in a variable. In this tutorial, we will see what are the different types of  Python data types.

Python Data Types :

As we seen in Advantages of Python, in Python, we are not required to specify a type explicitly to a variable. Based on the value provided to the variable, the type will be assigned automatically. Hence the Python is consider to be a dynamically typed language.

Python supports following inbuilt data types :

  1. int
  2. float
  3. complex
  4. bool
  5. str
  6. bytes
  7. bytearray
  8. range
  9. list
  10. tuple
  11. set
  12. frozenset
  13. dict
  14. None

The above mentioned data types are inbuilt data types. Based on the value present in side the variable Python internally assigns these data types to a variable.

Though these are assigned by the python internally, if we really want to check the type of a variable, python given us an inbuilt function called type() it gives us the type of a variable.

Python int datatype :

We can use the int data type to represent numbers.

x = 10
<class 'int'>

float datatype :

float data type represents the decimal/floating point numbers.

<class 'float'>

Complex data type :

Python complex datatype holds complex numbers, its basically a combination of real and imaginary numbers.

>>>x = 10+5j
<class 'complex'>

Bool datatype :

Bool datatype represents logical values, it only holds either True or False.

<class 'bool'>

Str datatype :

Python Str datatype represents a sequence of characters.

<class 'str'>
>>>s='chandra shekhar goka'
<class 'str'>

bytes datatype :

bytes datatype represents a sequence of byte values with in the range of 0-255.

>>> list=[20,30,40,50]
>>> b=bytes(list)
>>> type(b)
<class 'bytes'>

bytearray datatype :

bytes datatype represents a sequence of byte values with in the range of 0-255. Difference between byte and bytearray is : byte data type is immutable (once it is defined we can’t change it) where as bytearray datatype mutable (we can change the values after defining).

>>>barray= bytearray(list)
<class 'bytearray'>

range datatype :

range datatype is used to define a range of values.


list datatype :

list datatype represents an ordered collection of objects.

<class 'list'>

tuple datatype :

tuple datatype represents an ordered collection of objects. The only difference between list vs tuple is : list is an mutable ordered collection where as tuple is immutable ordered collection.

<class 'tuple'>

set datatype :

Set represents an un-ordered collection of unique objects. it doesn’t allowed duplicate values inside it. Set is an mutable collection.

<class 'set'>

frozenset datatype :

frozenset represents an un-ordered collection of unique objects. it doesn’t allowed duplicate values inside it. frozenset is an immutable collection.

>>>fs = frozenset(s)
<class 'frozenset'>

dict datatype :

dict represents a group of key->value pairs.

<class 'dict'>

None datatype :

If a variable or def, doesn’t having any value init, the default datatype is None.

>>>def sample():

Happy Learning 🙂